IADA - Scandinavia

General information about our regional dialogue association

In keeping with the theories of dialogue-based communication and interaction, IADA-Scandinavia aims to promote, undertake and disseminate research focusing on a dialogic view of language use. Dialogue-based communication enables people to share their experiences and ideas, their concerns and visions, thus contributing to joint reflection and increased involvement in daily events and in socio-political processes that occur at local or global level.
The study of dialogue is meant to bring into focus essential and many-sided functions of dialogue in different kinds of human activities and inter-human relations, by examining the interlocutors’ shifting roles (interpersonal and/or institutional) and relationships with their addressees and with third parties, the interlocutors’ cooperative and/or conflicting goals, the tension between individual and collective actors, the ongoing meaning negotiation between interactants, the interplay between the utterance and the performance of speech acts, the interdependence between reasoning patterns and emotional experiences, the correlation between speakers and hearers involved in joint activities.

A first goal of IADA Scandinavia is to pursue the main goal of IADA, by crossing traditional disciplinary boundaries and encouraging interdisciplinary approaches necessary for addressing the complex phenomenon of dialogue. Linguists, literary scholars, philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, political scientists, and scholars from other disciplines interested in dialogic issues are called upon to join the dialogic circle.

A second goal of IADA Scandinavia is to provide an easily available meeting point in the immediate geographical environment for Scandinavian dialogue researchers who wish to integrate their work into a specialised community of multi-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary dialogue scholars.

A third goal of IADA Scandinavia is to bring together senior and junior scholars of dialogue in an attempt to bring about a cross-fertilisation of both established and recent ways of exploring dialogue and dialogic phenomena, including new and emerging forms of dialogic communication in real life and in virtual reality. 

Dialogue research 

  • Promoting interdisciplinary research approaches that have been applied successfully to particular dialogue genres and activities
  • Encouraging comparative studies of cross-cultural dialogues
  • Integrating micro-level analysis into a macro-level analysis of dialogue
  • Updating corpus-based studies of dialogue
  • Harmonising quantitative analytical methods (selection, ordering, annotation, statistics and classification of the data) with qualitative analytical methods (with an emphasis on manual reflective analysis).